
Hey everyone, here is a late night update to give you guys the low down as to what is going on with myself and my late night gaming team. Got some rather big news which I hope makes you all as excited as it makes me and my party posse.

First things first, I just got the a final total on the money we had donated last weekend and the cash has been transfered to Child's Play.

We ended up with $1260.18 total, which was pretty darn good for about 24 hours of taking donations. We subtracted $55 for the three meals we bought over the weekend which included 5 or 6 pizzas, a dozen or so donuts, and a half gallon of Nesquick. Yeah, that drink is amazing. After some calculus level mathematics, we have a donation total in the amount of $1205.18. Over the weekend, we had some people doubt if we were going to actually donate the money. Being a veteran of the internets, I am fond of the age old principle of "pics of it didn't happen." I hope this silences any critics.

I think I speak for our entire "448" team when I say that it may have been the proudest day in any of our lives when I was able to click the "accept transaction" button on PayPal for that money transfer. I am pretty sure we are all in shock over that number and we really have to thank you all for your generosity. It could never happened without each of you and it really is just goes to show how far the gaming community will go to be a real stand-up, first-class segment of society.

Now, moving onto the future of the "4in48" project/team/website/etc. Myself and the rest of the team from this weekend (Matt, Tom, "Tina" [haha], Dillon, Will, Adam, Chris, Dean, Mike, and Mike) all got a chance to sit down and have some discussions tonight. We were able to come up with a pretty concrete plan and I hope you all enjoy what we have in store.

We have decided to continue with the "448" project immediately, kicking off with another life event this Saturday, again at 5PM CST. Because 48 hour sessions take a lot of many power and definitely kill your body (just ask us, we're professionals at it now), we have decided to have weekly live shows where we focus on playing through one game. The structure will be exactly the same. You'll have a live web feed of us playing a game, we'll be taking and reading e-mails and chat rooms, we'll be working to beat the game as quick as possible, and we will still be taking donations for Child's Play.

The only slight differences you will see are that we will only be playing one game a week, so the show can last anywhere from 8 to 20 or so hours a week. We still have plans for super long 48 hour gaming marathons in the future, but we will be holding them at special times of the year. Basically, you will be sure to have a chance to watch us every weekend for sure (God willing) and a select couple of weekends out of the year, you will get to watch it even more.

We were really excited about the response we got for working through Child's Play and we have decided to continue giving them donations as we work throughout the year. For donations from here on out, we will donate all money we receive at some sort of variable rate (we're not sure exactly what right now) which should stay somewhere around 75% for Child's Play, 25% for us. We really don't want to keep 25% if possible and are hoping to be able to give more to Child's Play many weeks during the year. However, we do realize that if we want to continue with this, we will have expenses. We would like to upgrade ourselves to better equipment (new webcam/better television/more powerful software/etc) to improve the quality of our show and the only way we can do this is through keeping a small portion of donations. We just want to stress that charity is our #1 goal and that if we do keep some money, it will go toward improving our stuff to make a better show in order to attract more viewers and more money for our ultimately more important cause.

That being said, we will be working hard to prepare a great gamefest for this upcoming weekend. This week, we're going to continue our quest through Hyrule and play through The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Pricess, so we hope you all tune in this Saturday at 5PM CST (and be sure to tell your friends as well). We're super excited and we hope you are too.

Also some quick other notes about the future. These really are all just short notes to tie up loose ends.

  • + We are still looking for sweet fan art and pictures of you or your friends with www.cameronbanga.com written somewhere on your body. We're just arrogant pricks like that I guess haha. If you have something you want to send us, be sure to get it to us at Cameron@CameronBanga.com. We're going to get a page devoted to this kind of stuff real soon, since we had a lot of it come through our hands last weekend.
  • + We are also looking to add prominent gaming figures as guests to the show to sit down and have phone conversations with us while we game and you watch. If you have a person in the business that you would like to see us talk to (we'll be sure to ask the questions you e-mail us, because that's how we roll), please send us an e-mail or leave a comment to this post with who that person is and we will work to get those people on. If you personally know someone who is fairly well known in the "biz" (take maybe Kevin Rose or Morgan Webb for example haha) or if you are a prominent figure yourself (Heck, you don't even have to be in the gaming business. It would be sweet to get bands, etc on the show as well) and you would like to be a phone guest for us, please feel free to e-mail us at Cameron@CameronBanga.com.
  • + We're still taking game suggestions for future show episodes. We know you want to see Metroid and Mario, and are going to work on those. However, they may be saved for our "mega-marathons." We would also maybe be interested in taking game donations from you guys if you were interested in sending us your old games so we could play them on the show. We had a couple people mention this in e-mails since they didn't really have money to donate and we are definitely interested, we would just need to find out exactly how that would work. So I guess if you are really interested in sending us your old games so we can play through them (our collection is decent, but we definitely don't have enough to last forever), send me an e-mail and we will talk about how to get this done. It would also be sweet, because we could sell off your old games through a reseller or on eBay and also donate any profit we make off those to Child's Play as well.
  • + We are leaving toward just calling us the "448" team and the show "www.cameronbanga.com presents the 448 show. However, if you have a suggestion for a better name, please contact us ASAP. We just don't have that kind of creative power haha.
  • + I'll post more things here as they come up, but if you have any other questions, comments, or suggestions, please by all means feel free to contact us at Cameron@CameronBanga.com and we'll get back to you ASAP. Well, we'll try our best at least haha.
  • + PS, we may be a little high on ourselves or maybe dreaming a little too much, but we have set a goal of $10,000 in donations to Child's Play by the end of the year. Thanks for your help so far and we definitely know we can do it with your help.
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Great job guys!

I am also holding a marathon this weekend inspired by you guys. My friends and I will be playing through all of the Resident Evil games in 36 hours while taking any donations for Child's Play.

We will also be broadcasting it live from my blog. I'm pretty excited and hope Its as successful as yours.

You guys have started something huge, and I hope we can do even more to help others while gaming.

Happy Gaming and have fun.


Benito said...

I just wanted to say that this is such a great thing you guys are doing. Unless I'm busy, I'll be tuning in each weekend.

Also, I fully expect a Brawl marathon after it comes out. Maybe you guys can set something up so that we can verse you online. I'm awful, so... no worries.

Cameron Banga said...

I would love a Brawl marathon. I think you may be able to count on that one.

It would be sweet, we could play you guys all night long haha.

Now if only we could get Nintendo to send us a free copy haha.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, I'll be there every week to watch and donate. You guys are superheroes.

Anonymous said...

You guys should have some sort of "WHO CAN MAKE THE MOST LINES" marathon bet thing for Tetris. We could all bet on it, and you'd raise money.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait.

Anonymous said...

Cameron, you've really started a new Internet trend here - leechcharmer's Resident Evil marathon, and then this: http://thespeedgamers.blogspot.com/ - and I'd like to thank you.

I really enjoy watching these events, and it's even better that they're for a good cause (although I haven't donated yet, I want to as soon as I can get a proper Internet banking account set up!)

About TheSpeedGamers said...

I think what you guys are doing is awesome. You inspired me and my friends to make a similar 72 hour attempts at all the Zelda's over spring break. Heres our blog if you want to check us out. www.thespeedgamers.blogspot.com
Keep up the good work, and good luck

Jordan said...

Wow, I can't wait, I totally blew my whole weekend watching you guys play Zelda, but it was worth it.

Anonymous said...

After being inspired by you me and friend are trying to get a time where me and him and mayve a few other people and get like of these going but we were going to play the halo triology on normal and try to get through them in like a 24 hour period or so. Wat u guys think of that?

Anonymous said...

excellent. I love the short form idea.

Only playing Nintendo games?

Where's the XBOX love?

Ben said...

I think you should do Metal Gear Solid 2. And you have to watch all the movies!

Anonymous said...

Man, thats great to hear. So after 2 marathon announced here, I too will be holding one but probably by myself cause I don't have any friends. X_X Playing all Metal Gear Solid games in games under 18 hours. Will start around friday hopefully in the afternoon. You guys are a true inspiration to other gamers who want to help out in their nation *by sitting their buts for hours playing video games! ;p*

BTW, http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee282/oshio_kusanagi/cameron_banga.jpg

Cameron Banga said...

We don't have an XBox haha. Otherwise we would look into it. We're just playing with what we have right now.

Anonymous said...

My friends and I plan on doing a Metal Gear cinematic marathon sometime in the near future. We are going to play MGS: Twin Snakes, MGS2 and MGS 3 back to back, showing all the cinema scenes.

We may or may not include non crucial radio chat (I.e. Snake press triangle to climb the tree to retrieve your backpack!) ... Chat isn't exactly cinematic ;)

Anonymous said...

Cant wait to watch you guys this weekend.. but if possible please use justin.tv or ustream because for some reason mogulus kept crashing firefox browsers last week

Anonymous said...

Nice job, my friends and I are too planning an event like this. We're hoping to play a 72 hour marathon of Halo. We'll do 1,2, and 3 as well as any other halo related activity in order to fill 72 hours should we have leftover time. http://halosforkids.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...

Can't wait man, I am writing an article on Child's Play for a newspaper right now, I will be sure to mention you guys.

Armando Ramirez said...

Suggestions for games: Okami, MGS series, 3-D Marios, 2-D Marios, Pokemon, all three Paper Marios, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, OoT: Master Quest, Animal Crossing (pay of that house!)

Anonymous said...

I may be just another fish in a sea of sharks, but I TOO am having a gaming marathon. I am not going for speed or for completion, I am going for endurance. I am gonna be playing Halo for 72 hours straight. I am also trying to get donations for Child's Play directly. Since it is just a one time thing and it happens to fall on the same time as the already famous 448, nobody is going to tune in and my video will likely fall onto a blind eye, so I encourage you to donate. 100% of everything we get this weekend will go directly to Child's Play.
Action begins Friday at Noon Mountain Time and ends on Monday at Noon.

Anonymous said...

Would any of you guys be willing to do an interview for the podcast "All Games Interactive"? It is a daily weekday live talkshow about videogames and I'm sure they would love to interview you. There is a live chatroom full of people to ask questions and everything. email me if you are interested and I could try to hook you up! BTW, the show can be found at allgames.com.

Anonymous said...

You guys should do try to complete 12 Final fantasy games in 480 hours straight. Thatd be awesome. Id donate to see that. nice job on the money you raised too.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, I will hope to tune in this weekend. I suggest staying with jtv this time as the other one seems to get more spam. Although the jtv channel got a bit of spam too just not as much. If you need a mod to keep the channel clean and close to spam free I am willing to help.

Anonymous said...

When you do this again, can you also have justin.tv or ustream as backup because that morpheus (or what ever it is called) slows down my computer a lot.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

yea good job on the fund raising guys top notch. A group of friends and myself are doing a similar venture to help out Child's Play. Check it out at http://monkey-spoken.blogspot.com/ and please leave some feedback as we need it at the moment. Again great job guys and I will be tuning in this weekend and donating some as well.

Oshio said...

doink http://oshio2003.blogspot.com/ also spreading the word on others people marathons so they can watch them too. :D

KingJaymz said...

I decided to come back after the hype died down. Good luck, all. I hope that you are successful at raising the amount of money for Child's Play that you set out.

I think it's a wonderful idea to do the 75/25 share. I'd encourage you to set a revenue goal for yourself this year and decide to cap it when you hit that and give everything else to Child's play.

Anonymous said...

You guys should spell the name Four48 .. just makes the 4 game part separate from the hours... plus looks slicker!

Cameron Banga said...

I like that. I'll run it past everyone tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see guys approved the name :) :) :)

Noticing a lot of copy cats now ... but none are as original as the Four48!!!

jefftheworld said...

Guys, I don't know why you're keeping 25% that's way high. We - the guys from the 48 hours of Mario and Sonic - we're giving 100% of our donations to Child's play.

We will be doing another event playing through Megaman 1-6 I think. Look for that in a month!