
"I might be here with you..."

Happy Wednesday my friends out there in internet land! I'm in the Christopher Center library right now making this post with about 28 minutes left to go until class (Japanese Literature, fun fun fun!), so I may have to make this a little short. Apologies in advance.

To get some updates for everyone about Four48, we had our 2nd official organization meeting last night. The meeting was so productive, it blew my mind. I really can't stress enough how focused the group of guys (and gal) we have working on this project are. We are definitely devoted to bringing you all great free internet content to the best of our abilities as long as this whole thing works out. I know you all often read my posts or talk to me through e-mails, hell this is even cameronbanga.com. But, I gotta stress that their are lots of people here working behind the scenes that you don't know who are all working their asses off to try to get this whole thing to work. Mad props to them.

With regards to next week, I am going to make this official (the cat has been out of the bag on the forums and such for a while), that we will be undertaking Paper Mario for the N64 this weekend by means of the Virtual Console and a very generous gift by Biiaru. I've never actually played the game myself, so I may be more pumped than anyone to get at this game, especially since I LOVED The Thousand Year Door (well except for the fetch-quest filled last couple hours).

Since we are taking up such a massive RPG, you may ask how long this quest will take us. We have two answers to that...First, we have no real idea as to how long it should take. Second, we are estimating around 20 hours. Yeah, that's a freaking long time.

Because of this game's length, we plan on starting early (and this start time will most likely stay consistent as our weekly start time) at 10AM CST this Saturday. Yeah, it is mega early. However, we feel like we can reach our broadest audience AND give more people the chance to watch more of us during the day by going with this time.

The Street Team idea really took off in the forums, so if you haven't hit up that topic I suggest you check it out. We're definitely interested in going forward with this and I hope to have some really exciting information for everyone in the next couple days.

We have seen some interest in a true podcast, which we would also look into releasing weekly through iTunes. Nothing is finalize with this and we are kinda trying to test the waters with this idea right now. If you are interested in a podcast, please drop me an e-mail at Cameron@CameronBanga.com and let me know what you think and what you would like to see. We would definitely like to find out if interest is there before we go full fledged with a podcast series.

I got some Google Reader invites and that was sweet as muffins. If you e-mailed me about it, I added you (or tried to at least, I am new to the process). If anyone else uses Google Reader, drop me a line so we can become RSS BFF4Ls.

Well, I am off to Japanese Lit. Wish me luck with all this ancient poetry.


Anonymous said...

Like I said on Facebook, I effed around alot and did a bunch of side quests and I pulled it off in just over 17 hours. I'll let you know after I play it in one sitting how long it took me. It shouldn't take 20 hours even if none of you have played it. I have enough faith in your guy's gaming abilities to do it under 20.

Benito said...

I don't have a problem with 10 AM. Actually, I think it's a much better time to start, as running into the night isn't a great thing to do each weekend, especially for our friends overseas.

Also, Biiaru is entirely awesome for donating that game.

Dale Greenly said...

Can't wait dude! I'm going home from college this weekend so i'm definitely going to make my girlfriend watch!