
Haha, finally I get a little chance to sit down and write for a while. I am really glad I got a chance to do this today, since writing really gives me an opportunity to just chill and spew forth all the crazy stuff that runs through my head in one day. If you are a writer in any sense of the word, you definitely know what I mean.

Added some new pages to the site today, I hope you enjoy. We definitely don't have the most technically advanced web page on the internets, but I think we do really well with what we have. It definitely comes at the right price, since I really don't pay anything to keep all this up and running and cheap is definitely the way to roll when in college. If you check out to your right on our tidy little navigation bar, you will see that I added a "Hall of Fame" to the site. I'll try to keep this updated weekly and it will contain the names of everyone who thought enough of us to donate some money to our cause. Take a look at this list and say a little thanks to these people even though they will never hear it, they really deserve it.

I also added some forums to the site. I figure since you will only have blog posts and our weekly game-a-thon to check out as new content each week, you deserved something else to give you great reason to come back daily. I definitely encourage you all to register and make some posts, because we know that we have a pretty solid community thus far and it would be cool if you could all meet each other and fall in love. Yeah, I said fall in love haha.

Now onto some more personal stuff. I got to talk to my friend Melissa today for a while and that was pretty sweet. I got to talk to Jason and Bud as well, so it was a pretty good day with regards to talking to people. I doubt Aviral will ever read this, but if you do bro, you definitely need to give me a call because I am definitely wondering what is going on in your life. Spring break seems so far away, which is sad because that may be the next time I get a chance to see all those people in person.

Never got a chance to post some opinions on Macworld, so I figure now is as good of a time as ever to make a post. The "Steve-note" has come and gone and I got to admit, it didn't really throw out any surprising announcements but as a whole it was a fairly good showing. The Macbook Air may just be the most amazingly engineered device I have ever seen. I really need to get up to the Apple Store in Chicago after it arrives in a few weeks to just take a look at that thing and drop my jaw in amazement. A couple people I have talked to don't seem amazing, but I don't think they realize how amazing a break through that computer is in the "mini-laptop" genre of devices which the market has been craving.

I did drop the $20 for the January iPod Touch firmware update, which I don't really agree with, but found the need for anyways. Mail, Notes, and Google Maps made it worth it, since I am getting three extremely solid apps which I will use daily plus weather and stocks. A lot of people around the message board world found lots to complain about with the update and I have a hard time disagreeing with them. It does seem like a poor choice to make the consumer pay $20 for apps which should have been included in the device in the first place, but I also made the decision to buy the device before it had those apps knowing full well that I wouldn't be getting them at the $300 price tag.

I thought the most surprising event that took place during the event was the announcement of movie rentals through iTunes. Sure, we all knew it was coming forever ago. But, I don't know many people who thought that the service would have the amount of videos available or that the whole process would be as simple as it appears to be. I definitely may have to check this thing out this weekend to see how it works first hand (Megan Lee, I know you never saw Jackass: The Movie. Are you game to sit around my computer screen and watch it with me haha?).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! I am super pumped about tomorrow afternoon! Tom and I are going to head to the local post office and set up a PO Box for our marathon gaming stuff. It's my first time setting up a PO Box and for some reason I am overly excited. It is like a rite of passage or something, I really can't explain it haha. Anyways, if you are one of the many people who e-mailed us about donating your old games (or even a person or two who was willing to donate a console?!), we will soon have a way for you to do so. We're hoping to be able to play through the games you donate on our weekly show to help expand our library because after a couple weeks, we would most likely be back to Ocarina of Time again. We will then take the games you donate and then resell them (most likely through eBay or a local resale shop) and then donate those proceeds to Child's Play as well. So if you don't have the PayPal account or hard cash to donate, you will always be able to send us your old games. We'll also be hoping that you send us some actual letters through the mail as well, that would be really cool and old fashion. We're all about old school here haha.

Well, I am off to shower and get ready for bed maybe? Got some Econ tomorrow morning which should me a mega sweet time. I'm not quite what the topic for tomorrow's class will be, but I can assure that I will find a way to dread it. It can't be that bad though, it only lasts 50 minutes. That won't kill me, right?

PS, here is a little bedtime treat for you. I listened to this while I was at the radio station today and while I am sure many of you have heard it before, it is still very kickass. I hope you enjoy some Daft Punk before bed, like I am going to do right now.


Anonymous said...

20$ for an update is a scam. People might hate microsoft but at least they dont charge for updates for everything like apple seems to like to do. Well hope to see the finish up of TP this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I think Jobs could have done a lot more with the last year. A couple of product updates and a thinner laptop with a bad battery and few interface and I/O options kind of pales in comparison to a touchscreen iPod and a new genre of mobile phone.