
Got a chance to make the trek up to Chicago yesterday, finally taking the train-ride to the city after I made promised myself to get there sometime over break.

The day started out pretty rough, waking up at 7AM after going to bed at 3AM. I really wonder sometimes why I subject myself to such horrid punishment. After some coffee, a donut, and a marginal amount of grumpy behavior, we were on the train and on our way to the Museum of Science and Industry.

Pretty much the coolest part of the day was the U-505 Submarine exhibit. When I worked at the bank a couple summers ago, I got to meet a guy named Zenon Lukosius. Zenon was an interesting guy who fought in World War II for the US Navy. To summarize his story, Zenon jumped on a sinking German submarine and replaced a sea strainer, saving the ship and helping the US learn German codes which ultimately helped lead to the end of WWII.

This was the first time I got to see the exhibit since I met Zenon, so I really enjoyed the chance to see the exhibit. It is a pretty cool piece of history and definitely worth checking out if you are in Chicago.

And if you do make the trip, be sure to check out the first floor bathroom by the escalator. Inside you can find the Dyson Airblade, which is definitely the greatest hand dryer of all-time.

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