
"What's my age again?"

So I actually took sometime to sit and look at a calendar today and I came to an astonishing revelation. In less than six months, I will be hitting the ripe age of twenty-one years. Twenty-one years on this planet already? Wow. Just wow.

I guess I am suppose to be happy and enjoy this upcoming event. It's the last big birthday until I hit forty or fifty, so I might as well have a great time while I'm at it. Maybe I am just a pessimist, but I really can't see anything positive about getting older. To me, it's just a constant reminder that I haven't really done anything with my life yet.

Saw a pretty big news story this morning. Amazon just announced plans to buy Audible for a cool $300 million dollars, which could turn into just petty cash for the company if the audiobook provider can keep producing as it has for the last 10 years.

Two interesting things come out of this purchase in my mind. First, will Audible keep ties with Apple after their contracts end later this year since Apple is easily the biggest name in digital distribution of media. Second, how will this agreement work into future revisions of Amazon's recently released Kindle? I'm not a big e-book reader and to be completely honest, don't know anyone who really is. However, it's hard to disagree with the fact that the Kindle is an impressive device with a super sexy screen. Add audiobook support and other multimedia features and you would definitely have a device which could make many ditch their laptops. It will really be interesting to see how this purchase pans out in the long run.

Quick Four48 update. We have 5 confirmed teams for this weekend's "Four48 vs The World" and a couple more maybes. If you are interested and can broadcast yourself playing RE4 starting this Saturday at noon CST, send me an e-mail at Cameron@CameronBanga.com

Also, our own Tom Platte is going to be interviewed by his hometown Kalamazoo Gazette (I believe that is the paper) because of his involvement in our charity. If you are in the K-Zoo (that is what you kids there call it, right?) area, be sure to keep an eye out for that.

Well, I am off to accounting. Best 75 minutes of my life, srsly. Well, maybe not.


mme said...

I sent you an email about becoming one of the teams, you replied asking if I had a webcam that could hook up to Justin TV or Mogulus and I replied back saying I got them both. You have not replied confirming if we are one of the teams are not, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I told my friends that we were doing this and I would hate to bring them over to find that we're not in it. please reply here: wee-matt-mcc@hotmail.co.uk

KaibaChaos said...

I would have liked to join in this challenge and I have all of the nessecary equipment. However, I cannot make it this weekend :(

I'd like to point out something abut your prize too. What happens if someone outside of the US wins? I mean No More Heroes is not released in the UK until February 29th for instance.

Either way If you do Super Mario Galaxy I'll gladly enter. That is a great game and I completed it not so long ago. Is that possible one week?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I sent you an email and I do have a webcam and the stuff necessary but you never replied, like Matt McCallum said, I would hate to get all my friends together on Super Bowl Sunday to find out we can't do it, ya know?

Anonymous said...

Cameron, you've done a lot more with your life so far than I have (although you're nearly a year older). The Four48 thing, getting in the NY Times, other cool stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm 21 in 1 month and 1 day

Anonymous said...

Meh, 21 years isn't much if you look at the big picture. The average human being lives until 80, you have another 59 years, not even half way there yet. Enjoy youself, you've accomplished more than most. You have made your name known to hundreds, and even thousands just by using your webcam. Many try to make there name known and fail, yet you succeeded.

I don't really care about the audible thing, age has just been a debate I've been having with myself for awhile and figured I'd give you my opinion on the matter