
"I'd skip those mistakes I made back when..."

Happy Monday everyone, I hope you are all having as great of a day as I am. Nothing better than some classes, radio, and tons of accounting home work to look forward to before I get a chance to go to bed later tonight. It could be worse I guess, I mean, I could be Dillon Carter (I jest Dillon, srsly).

I have some nihongo (Japanese) in a few minutes to go catch, so hopefully I can live through 50 minutes of that class. I have really been falling behind in that class so far this semester and need to serious up my study habits with it. I do have tutoring with Kaori tomorrow, so maybe she will kick my ass into gear with studying my vocab and Kanji.

After that, I have to go head to the VU Police Department to see if I can appeal a parking ticket I got yesterday. If anything (among a multitude of things) really ruined my day yesterday, it was this. 5 minutes in a place I am not suppose to park in order to check my bank balance to make sure I don't overdraw and I get a $60 ticket to boot. Oh life, thou art such a fair yet cruel mistress. Wish me luck in getting this thing appealed, but I am not too optimistic.

Tried testing the iTunes rental service last night, but our internet connection in my dorm is so slow that it took about 3 hours to get the file downloaded. Apple states that you can begin watching the movie a minute or so after you click rent and I take their word with that fact. That is, if you have an internet connection which is somewhat modern; definitely something I am not really sure I have in my dorm. Speaking of campus tech frustrations, I still can't get my iPod Touch's mail client to connect to my school e-mail or to my GMail. Maybe one day I can live in a world where 1st class institutions have manageable tech solutions.

GMan was gracious enough to donate us a VC game last night. Props to you my man, mad props. I guess Matt decided on Star Fox 64 and I can't blame him, that game is definitely a masterpiece. I heard through the grape vine that Biiaru has promised a game this week as well and I may have to push for 1080 Snowboarding which just hit the VC this morning. I was watching the Winter X-Games on the TV in the Union last night, and I have an extreme sports itch.

I'll have more Four48 info about next weekend posted later this week, so check back often. We're still debating over a game or two, but I can guarantee that whatever we choose will be definitely worth the watch.

Peace up, A town down.


Anonymous said...

Starfox FTW

sucks on that ticket =/

friggin cops, but their only doing their job eh?