
"When I get a little scared. When I get a little scared. When I get a little...run run run."

Just wanted to post a couple quick musings tonight before I hit the hay. It's getting a little late (2:13AM to be exact), so I am going to try to type as quick as possible. If this is incoherent, I apologize in advance.

I really need to get over this late night kick, I am really starting to worry about my sleep patterns haha. Oh well, I am sure my body will correct itself to what it needs in the long run, right?

For you Four48 fans, we will be having a team meeting tomorrow and we should have more information for you guys come Wednesday or so. We're looking to play Paper Mario this weekend, so let us know what you think about that title. I've never actually played the game, so I am pretty pumped. Also, our final totals aren't in from last weekend, because we are waiting for some stuff to clear money wise. However, we were over $300 for the night on Saturday, so we were fairly happy. Thanks again to all who donated and we can't wait to see you again this Saturday.

Got a chance to sit down with a reporter from the Post-Tribune tonight with Matt, Will, Chris, and Mike. I guess she is putting together a story on us which should be in the paper possibly this week? We'll keep you all updated when we find out more.

Got to play some Mario Kart 64 last night at a party over at my friend Eric's house. I stompped ass at Battle Mode but came in 3rd my one race of the night when we played Wario Stadium. I couldn't preform the wall jump glitch when others could. Am I a newb or what haha?

Matt downloaded Sin & Punishment off the VC today, which pumped me up beyond belief. I have been looking to play this game for about 7 years and wanted to import it badly back into the day. It's hard as hell and definitely VERY Japanese, but it is super sweet. I definitely suggest you check it out and I may get a full review on it up later this week.

I made a quick little poll on the forum to see if anyone would be interested in joining a Four48 street team. If you are interested and are a proponent of what we do, post in the topic and send me an e-mail to Cameron@CameronBanga.com.

Saw some cool links while on Google Reader today. If you use that RSS feed catcher like I do, please do me a favor and send me an e-mail so we can talk and set ourselves up as friends to check out each others shared stories, I love seeing what other people are checking out. Here are some of my favorites from today.

Pizza Hut is going to start taking orders from text messages. chz plz k thnks bai.

Landon Donovan is the US Soccer all-time leading scorer. Congrats Landon, keep on being the US Soccer badass you are. This is an amazing feat for the guy considering the fact that he is only 25 and arguably not even in his prime.

More changes coming to Facebook's news feed soon. Facebook is a really great company to watch if you love tech, since they have such an influence on the social networking market. Interesting to see how people respond to this.

And finally, I leave you with a song I just took a listen to on thesixtyone. I was originally going to embed Tegan and Sara, hence the title of this post. However, this came up on random and I couldn't not play it. Scottish rap, specifically a tribute to Tupac. Amazing stuff right here.


Anonymous said...

Nice I like this rap track, great vibe!

I'm thrilled to know that you will continue your gaming trip! :)

Anonymous said...

TEGAN AND SARA TITLE!!!! who in the 448 group listens to that?

Cameron Banga said...

I love Tegan and Sara. Sweet band.

Benito said...

Have Matt add those friend codes sometime soon. :P