
So, I wrote a couple days ago regarding current predicament regarding a job. Frankly, I don't want one. I really don't feel like spending what could possibly be the last summer I spend before adult-hood working in corporate America as a tool for the man. Maybe that sounds a little bonkers, maybe I am just being a little bitch, or maybe I just finally got something right.

I have been thinking a lot the last couple of days about what options lie before me. I have applied to a couple big electronic retail chains but am yet to get a call. I figured I could see myself selling DVDs and MP3 players all summer, it couldn't be that bad, right?

Well, I may have a better plan. For those of you who don't know me all too well, I am a cocky bitch sometimes. I really feel like I can do things better than others and I have no doubt in my mind that I will succeed at what I do. Is that a bad quality to have? I am sure that sometimes it is. Has it helped me to get where I am in life right now? Definitely.

After a couple hours of thinking, I have come to the conclusion that I would be better off just sitting at home all summer on a webcam, working out ways to make money. Basically, I want to turn my life into a reality show. For those of you who have watched Four48, my summer would turn into me sitting and playing video games online for 20-30 hours a week. Friends would join me at times, hilarity would ensure, and we would all have a great time. All of this would happen while I worked up ways to make it rich online. Basically, I would sit at the computer and put my entrepreneurial skills to work for all the world to see.

My goal would be to make $3000, which is more of less the money I am less the money I would miss out on by not joining the world of employment. I have a couple "products" up my sleeve and really think i could make this work. I am pretty confident that I could come up with something that lots of people enjoy, all while playing video games and chilling out the entire summer. I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to play Zelda while chatting

I guess at this point, I really just need to convince my parents that I am capable and then hopefully set up a timetable to begin. I don't know how happy the parentals will be, but I will definitely let everyone know when I finally help them realize that I am going to make a living by sitting in their basement and playing Pokemon.

Feel free to e-mail me your words of support or advice, I may need them. Cameron@CameronBanga.com haha.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Ty working at a videogame store. Print off some of the stuff you have done online and a few links to them. Wiichatshow, the gaming marathons etc. Put these with your CV or bring them along to an interview.

Anonymous said...

Cameron,you're such a cocky bastard, but somehow, somehow.. I 100% believe you when you say you can make 3000 dollars this summer by broadcasting your life on the internets.
I'm looking forward to whatever hair-brained schemes you can manage to come up with.
Go for the gold!

KaibaChaos said...

Good luck cameron, maybe you should make your own charity? You were successful enough raising money for childs play :)