
So, I have been mentioning to a bunch of people my plans to broadcast a good portion of my life on Justin.tv in hopes of going the entire summer without working an actual job and through instead starting my own internet venture of sorts. Well, this will all start up this Friday, May 30th at 3pm CST. I'll be online explain some of the goals of the project, taking questions, and maybe even playing some games.

The plan is to spend about 10-12 hours online total during this "kickoff weekend" and then prepare a schedule for times I will be online next week.

The whole summer series of broadcasts should be a lot of fun. The whole idea is to build up a community somewhat full of people looking to just hang out in a chatroom/message board setting to play games and meet others, with me leading up the project through video blogs.

The broadcasts should be fairly informative as well. In the past year, I have received countless amounts of e-mails from people asking how they could set up their own blog/web domain/podcast/message board and I will be using these broadcast to teach others by example what can be done for free on the internet to those who look to gain knowledge on those topics.

If you are interested in keeping up to date with what sweet online events will be taking place through this website all summer long, I set up an e-mail mailing list for those looking to receive updates. If you would like to receive e-mail notices, just send an e-mail to SummerOfCB@CameronBanga.com . Subject and body of the e-mail are irrelevant, as it only takes an e-mail to sign up.

Questions or comments? Send me an e-mail to Cameron@CameronBanga.com or feel free to post a comment.


mme said...

Cool, sounds awesome, I'll definately watch, by the way, what date does your summer start? It might be different than UK. Also, I'm confused on why I'm banned from the channel. O_o?

I've no idea why I would be...I'm a good watcher.

My username on there is "MattXLink"
One of the people who participated in the Resi 4 Marathon and I'm also Matt M on the forum and your Emails. :D

Cameron Banga said...

Not sure why you were ever banned, must have been a mistake,

Fixed it now, you should be fine.

repick_ said...

Two words:

Ventrilo Server.

Jordan said...

Looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

WAHOO!!! yeah baby!!!

if you ever run out of stuff to do while your summer broadcast,consider thinking of hosting online games that people(like us) can join in and kick ass

mario kart recommended because it has high quantity of players in one match

Cameron Banga said...

There will definitely be a lot of Mario Kart.

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to hear your success story at the end of summer!!