
So, we're just over a week away from twenty-o-nine and it's crazy to think that another year and up and gone. 2008 may not have been as savage as 2007, but it was a great 366 days none the less. It's now time to prep for the new year and what would celebrate the occasion better than resolutions?

Here is a list of a couple things that I would like to work on in 2009. We'll see how many of these I actually stick with.

  • Eat healthier - Going to supplement fruit for crap foods more. No eating after 8:30pm if possible. I would also like to drink more water.
  • Find more time to read - Even if it's not books, I would like to keep up with RSS feeds, news sites, and Alltop.
  • Learn more about economics - I am really starting to enjoy the subject I decided to spend 4 years studying in college. I really want to grasp economics better this year.
  • Find a workout schedule that works again - I need to start running again or something. I got out of the habit just over a year ago and have been kicking myself ever since.
  • Start meditating regularly - I have done it a couple times and would love to get in the habit of doing it on a regular basis.
  • Schedule time better - I need to sit down and iCal my life to death. I need to be more productive and organized with my time.
  • Organize two great Four48 events - I would really love to see continued success with the philanthropic group we started about a year ago.
  • Be a better leader, friend, and person - Kinda self explanatory. I want to be a mensch.
I may come back to revise or add to this list later. Any suggestions? Comment me or send me an e-mail to Cameron@CameronBanga.com

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