
I usually don't like to be emotional during blog posts. It really ruins my popular image as a real rad tough guy. I enjoy that image and I like to keep my position as one of the top three most threatening guys on campus (behind Nick Kovatch and Mike Stecyk).

But today, it finally hit me that this will be the first summer since 7th grade that I haven't been able to really hang out with Bud Sothman. That's a period of 7 consecutive that I haven't gone without the guy who is arguably my best friend in the world (he's top 5 for sure, to anyone who gets that joke). Sure I got the call from him yesterday. I got to hear the whole story of a successful internship(finally, he deserves it like no other) in Tampa, he'll live with his Aunt, and all this while basking in the sweet Florida sun. I really don't know how to put this to words, I guess it just now hit. No yelling at Rusty on early June nights, no River Rat runs after a first tube pop in July, no late nights of Wii bowling with Taco Bell, Fourth of July no walking by Victoria's Secret only to see Bud selling panties to a middle-aged woman, no White Sox games with gold diggers, no watching Calen Carr throw his headband into Section 8 after an amazing goal, no Tila Tequila season 2 (we can only hope, right?) marathons, and finally no celebration of my 21st birthday.

I'd like to say it doesn't bother me. Hell, I'm twenty years old and need to realize that eventually I will move on with my life and exit college, maybe move far away, an rarely talk to my friends at all. I'll forget all about late night watching Legends of the Hidden Temple and Friday nights at Zao Island, but for now it is still a tough thought to tackle.

Looking back, it's really hard to see where my friendship with Bud even started. I am sure he could tell you the exact day and hour we met, he has an amazing talent for that kind of thing. Earliest I can remember, I was casual friends with Bud when he IMed me about joining his bowling team with Andrew Martin. I really don't remember my motivation behind saying yes to the offer, especially since I blow ass at bowling. However, I like to think that due to my piss poor scores raising the team handicap and some clutch scores late in the season really helped contribute to our 3rd place league finish. Some Mario hopping a couple weeks later, an invite to his birthday party, and I think we were officially best bros. Hard to even imagine now that I look back at it.

I was going to make a top 5 list of moments spent with Bud over the last seven summers, but I figured it would maybe be a little more fitting to make a list of things that kinda hadn't happened at that point.

  • - It was 2001
  • - I was still at TLS, home of the Trojans baby. I hadn't attended a day of school with Bud and had definitely not started yelling BUUUUUUDDDD in any hallways.
  • - I had not met Jessica Jarman, hell, I hadn't even met Rachel yet. In Bud's love life, I just remember some story about I think Megan Imboden's parents hating him. Does that make sense Bud? Freshen me up on that story sometime.
  • - None of us could drive as of yet. We still relied on my Mom to take us to Deep River, even if Bud forgot his ticket and towel....twice.
  • - Jason didn't have long hair.
  • - Aviral was still 3 years or so away from even taking his first step in America.
  • - Bryce Drew was finishing up his first and only season with the Chicago Bulls.
  • - Landon Donovan had 1 career goal for the US National Team.
  • - It was a long time ago, I think you get the point.
Anyways, to wrap this whole thing up, Bud it is going to be a tough summer without you. I really can't imagine any break during June and July not having Bud Sothman in the big picture of things. It's maybe too early to tell, but I think I will make it through this ordeal alright and I just want to wish you the best of luck. Make the Bart proud and go kick some ass in Florida. Besides, by the time you get back, I'll be in mid-season form for the World Series and ready to three-peat while you are still down throwing simulated innings in Arizona.

Small note to go with this post about Four48. We'll be playing this Saturday, but game is not certain as of yet. Expect a noon start time or so and be ready to party. We're bringing our A game baby.


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel Cameron! This will also be my first summer in a very long time spent without my best friend as well. She's in New Zealand, getting the chance of a lifetime to work as a T.A. for an all girl's school. So I actually totally know how you feel. And just for the record, realizing you're gonna miss your best friend doesn't make you any less rad in any sense, Cameron (however, I don't know about toughness.. you seem too precious to be a threatening man, sorry ^o^).

Anonymous said...


I joined the Navy 6 years ago so I know how it feels to suddenly not have the people that matter to you most right there with you. You call that guy 'Bud'. For me it was 'Paul'. Those are the friendships that transcend distance though. Those are the people that years from now you'll call them and wonder how it is you've been friends with someone for this long even if you haven't SEEN them in years.

It's pretty 'tough' to admit that you miss someone in such a public forum. I mean, you'd probably still get your ass kicked in a fight but emotionally you're like the hulk.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait until Saturday, Michigan weather + Michigan drivers = a long car ride... That's why I was late for RE4. This time I will have everything ready to kick your butts!

Also, that sucks your friend is leaving, totally sucks.