
Hey everyone, just wanted to give a post-humpday update as to what is going on this weekend.

We're going to go with a nice little game this weekend for Four48. Chris on our team is planning on taking on The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past starting at noon CST Saturday. Should be a nice little run if you are a fan of the game, or if you have never completed it (like myself). He thinks he can do it in 4 hours without even dying in the game once. Should be a fun little weekend, so we hope you all stop by and check it out.

Earlier this week, I got invited to do a little interview with MetroBuzz. It was a really sweet interview where we got a chance to discuss a little bit of the behind the scenes of our events while giving a little history of Four48. I definitely suggest you all check it out at their site here.

Well, I am off to bed. It's 2 AM and I have class at 9AM. Hopefully I can catch some Z's and enjoy the day. Besides, I need my rest to spend a couple hours analyzing the Chicago Fire's recently released schedule to maybe plan a road trip. Anyone else out there an MLS fan? If so, be sure to send me an e-mail.


Anonymous said...

If I cut out all my tendencies to want to collect stuff I could probably do it to. I've beaten the game so many times I've got it fairly well memorized.

In fact, I raced a friend and beat him by a dungeon and a half collecting every heart piece. If I hadn't I probably would have beaten him by more.

I'll be watching and maybe playing along.

Jordan said...

Lol, history of 448? It's what, a month old?