
So, last week the WiiChat.com crew traveled up to New York City for an interview with Erik Rhey for the WiiChat.com Show. Erik is a Senior Editor for PC Magazine. To check out our interview with Erik, visit this link.

Upon arriving in New York, we headed straight to the Ziff Davis building. The Ziff Davis building itself was extremely impressive. When you walk in the door, you are immediately greeted by two large plasma TVs and a large display case with the latest issue of every magazine that Ziff Davis publishes. We were met in the Ziff Davis lobby by the Rosen Group PR representative who helped set up the interview. An elevator took us up to the PC Magazine office on the 11th floor of the building. This might be off-topic, but the elevator was easily the fastest elevator I have ever been on in my life. The elevator went up 11 floors in about 10 seconds, no joke.

When we exited the elevator, we were greeted by Erik in front of two huge glass doors. There was a keypad at the door to keep out any unwanted visitors who would happen to get past the security in the lobby. We introduced ourselves to Erik who let us take a free issue of the latest PC Magazine from a sweet little display stand which held about 20 or so issues. We then began our tour of the PC Magazine labs.

Erik used a nifty little thumb pad to open two large sliding glass doors. When I say large, I mean real large. These doors were abouy the size of two to three regular doors put together. Once the doors opened, we entered into the PC Magazine labs. This was just a nice sized room enclosed in all glass walls where the different PC equipment they test could be found. My first thoughts upon entering the room all revolved around the sheer amount of tech equipment which could be found in the room. I would assume that PC Magazine sees a lot of computers in their office. However, I didn't really know that so many would be set up at the same time. At first glance, the room seems to be really unorganized. However, after Erik gave us the tour I realized just now neat and orderly it is. Computers are sorted based on what purpose they serve for the magazine. New PCs for review are in one area. Another area might house computers which are used for testing MP3 players. One area was full of printers. One of the most popular areas was full of iPod accessories. It was apparent after the tour that the iPod accessory market is definitely a market with staying power. PC Magazine might need to hire a new editor or two just to keep up with all they latest iPod stereos they will review.

The area of the laboratory that drew my attention the most was the video game area. Three large televisions were set up. One housed a Wii, another housed a X-BOX 360, and you guessed it, the last housed a PS3. Before the interview, I was skeptical as to if a PC Magazine editor had enough gaming knowledge for an interview on Wii injuries. This tour put to rest any questions I have. These guys are serious gamers. Erik and I were talking about this and he really explained it well. The PS3 and the 360 have expanded gaming to the point where a magazine like PC Magazine must cover these machines because they basically are PCs. Erik also stated that as a tech magazine, the Wii must also be represented because of the massive impact of the console in the tech world.

The people we met in the PC Mag labs were all great too. They all had a real love for technology. Any question we had was immediately answered with the utmost authority.

After our tour, I had my interview with Erik. The interview was held in the PC Magazine podcast studio. On our walk from the PC Magazine labs to the podcast studio, we walked through a decent amount of cubicle space. If you have ever seen the 1UP Show, you should have an idea as to what the cubicles look like. Basically, just imagine plain cubicles full of tech goodies. This was a decent sized conference room which they dedicate to their audio podcasts. If you search iTunes, you can find these podcasts with no problem if you want to see what kind of content they put out. If you watch our video interview, you will see Erik and I sitting at a table. In the corner of the room, a similar table is set out with 4 nice microphone/headsets. It was a pretty sweet set-up for a audio podcast. As a podcaster myself, I found this room really interesting. It was cool to see the audio set up they use in order to have an extremely professional sounding podcast.

I had a great time at the PC Magazine office. Thanks again to Erik for the tour and the interview, it was really awesome. If it isn't apparent through my blog and video podcast, I have a real passion for technology. I also enjoy writing and sharing my opinion about technology. It was really cool to have the opportunity to see how people with a similar passion make a living through writing about technology.

A wise man once said,"Pics or didn't happen." I didn't take pictures while at the office. However, I have put together this low-budget model of the PC Magazine office floor plan. This should help give an idea as to what the office looks like. Hopefully, this will verify that the trip did in fact happen.