As many of you most likely know, the official Super Smash Bros. Brawl website was opened to to the general public yesterday. The site claims to be giving daily updates on the upcoming Wii game. So far, not a whole lot of new information has been revealed. The most important piece of information released by Nintendo may have been the announcement of all the different musical composers working on the soundtrack.However, if you take a look at that screen shot, something interesting sticks out if you pay real close attention.
If you check out the "How to Play" icon, you will notice a horizontal Wiimote. Could this hint at a possible control scheme for the Wii fighter? The website is already hinting at a list of possible characters in the game with the addition of certain music composers from famous Japanese gaming series. Could this be another hint that the game will be played with the Wiimote horizontally much like NES games are played on the Virtual Console? Back when the Wii was still the Revolution, Nintendo stated officially several times that gamers should hold on to a GameCube controller for Brawl because the game would not take full advantage of the motion sensing controller.
Again, I must state that this entire theory is just speculative. However, it does not seem too far fetched of an idea. The Wiimote in the icon could have easily been placed vertically instead of horizontally. We must also assume that web designers in charge of the site have a fair amount of knowledge about the game because they have been working with the team and Sakurai-san to produce the website.
Post your comments on how you think the game would play with a horizontal Wiimote control style. Personally, I see it working quite well with the 1 and 2 buttons working to preform attacks. The B button under the controller could preform grabs and shaking the controller could make the character jump.
The official site looks like it will be updated regularly, so we should see some information on the control style soon. Until then, feel free to speculate away. Please be sure to leave a comment with your opinions on the control style and let me know what you thought of this post by e-mailing me at TeenageFanboy@gmail.com
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i personally would like no movement of the wiimote to interfere with the gameplay. it would be better to stick to traditional gameplay mode for this game. or give players atleast a choice.
they will use that scheme... if you read the kid icarus description it says you tilt the controller to deflect the arrows.
I believe it's the right choice because of three resons, the first one beeing that there is that with the controller you use 6 degrees of freedom plus d-pad and buttons. Second, i'm sure they will find the way to make it more intuitive. Third, it's basically a multiplayer and you would need to keep your old 4 gamecube controllers, or buy 4 wiimote+classic, or 4 wiimote+nunchuck just to get an extra joystick and button.
ya i agree with the first comment
they should let u choose if u wanna use the motion senser or just play it traditionally
like twilight princess
they should put the game on both the purple lunchbox(gamecube) and the WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee
No, anonymous they wouldnt put it on the lunch box. And i must say, thats a ridiculous idea.
You're obviously going off of twilight princess when you say htis, BUT the reason TP was released for gamecube and wii was because the wii was hard to get and not everyone had one yet. Therefore, sales for the wii version would be low and would create losses. They couldnt keep TP for wii in stock because they produced so few at the Begginning. They produced plenty of the GCN version, though.
Now, a few months later plenty of people have a wii and Brawl will be used to motivate the switch to the Wii and chucking your gamecube. Plus, if they released it for GCN it wouldnt have the online capabilities or nearly as many cool functions as the wii version would have. Nobody would want it.
When the game gets relesed u should be able pick what control system u want 2 use. Wiimote on its side, wiimote and nunchuk, classic controller and gamecube controller.
Replying to Jonathan
the reason twilight princess was relesed for the gamecube because that was the console it was made for to begin with but they decided to focus on the wii because they knew it would be a big hit.
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HELMET, "a virtual reality play," centers on a teenager, Helmet, who
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Saturday August 11th at 9:45 pm
Sunday August 12th at 5 pm
Tuesday August 14th at 7 pm
Thursday August 16th at 4 pm
Friday August 17th at 4:15 pm
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The Player's Loft (115 MacDougal Street, 3rd Floor), New York City.
Good Luck!
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Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!
Excellent website. Good work. Very useful. I will bookmark!
look just have a option that allows you to use the original gamecube control.
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