
I was reading through Digg.com today when I stumbled upon this. The preceding link is a list on Wikipedia which consists of unsolved problems in many different scientific fields. While the Hadwiger-Nelson problem and the existence of one-way functions are interesting, these topics do not make great blog articles. I have decided to work toward something of which I have slightly more expertise. Thus, I present the top ten unanswered questions in the world of Nintendo video games.

10. L is real 2401.

Ten years have passed and some questions still haunt the millions of gamers who have played Super Mario 64. Is L real and will he come in the year 2401? Many have speculated that this refers to Luigi being a playable character in the game. However, Luigi is not a playable character in the original Nintendo 64 classic. Nintendo has never commented officially on this matter.

9. Is the Tri-Force in Zelda: Ocarina of Time?

Today, it is accepted fact that the Tri-Force is not obtainable in Ocarina of Time. Back in 1998, this was one of the most highly debated topics in the gaming world. Today, many still search for the Tri-Force in this legendary game.

8. What happened to Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball?

The game was all but finished when it was shown to the public about two years ago. Many speculated that MLB licensing agreements led to the cancellation of the game. One would believe that Nintendo would not scrap a finished game which was so close to launch. They would of created a fictional world for the game or something. Today, it is still a mystery as to what happened to Pennant Chase Baseball.

7. Does SEGA realize that Sonic sucks?

Sonic and the Secret Rings will see a Wii release in about a month. Will it suck? SEGA has almost enjoyed killing off their best intellectual property over the last five years or so. Does Sonic still have enough speed left to out run the forces at SEGA which are trying to kill off his existence? I guess that we will find out in a month or so.

6. Why don't the Miis in Wii Sports have arms?

Miis have arms when they are being created. However, once an innocent Mii is thrown into a game of Wii Sports, he or she immediately loses their arms. I mean, just look at this picture. It doesn't even make sense.

5. Why doesn't Zelda have a definite time line? At least, why doesn't Nintendo ever explain the story as a whole?

I was searching for Zelda time line data and I found this little time map by SteveT and Masamune. This time line is ridiculous. No offense to SteveT or Masamune. They did a great job. I just think that Nintendo should answer some of the questions regarding the story for their fans. The story is way too complex with too many conflicting events. Zelda fans deserve story closure.

4. What the hell happened at the end of Beyond Good and Evil?

This game screams sequel. The end of story is epic, yet it leaves many unanswered questions. Just what exactly happens to Jade and friends?

3. What will EA Sports do with John Madden Football after John Madden dies?

Does EA have a vault full of thousands upon thousands of hours of John Madden voice recordings? Just what will happen to this series years down the road? I guess only time will tell.

2. Is Master Hand playable without a GameShark in Super Smash Bros. Melee?

Can Master Hand be unlocked somehow in Super Smash Bros. Melee? Some have argued that he is hackable with a GameShark and that he has a valid move set. This might not ever happen, but it is interesting to think about.

1. Will we ever see a release of Super Mario 128?

Many claim that Super Mario Galaxy will actually be "Super Mario 128." However, I disagree. Many would love to see a true sequel to Super Mario 64. We want a sequel which takes place in the Mushroom Kingdom. Will we ever see a true Super Mario 128?

I hope that you enjoyed my look at 10 gaming mysteries. If anyone has any information which would answer any question I proposed, feel free to e-mail me at TeenageFanboy@gmail.com or by leaving a comment.


Anonymous said...

THis was an interesting read. I like this kind of stuff, and brings back memories (L is real 2401). I still don't understand how to get that, and also I heard it is in Ocarina of Time.

Anonymous said...

What does SEGA, EA and Ubisoft games have to do with the world of nintendo?
These questions aren't unanswered questions about Nintendo, but third parties!
Sonic, madden and beyond good and evil also appeared on playstation / xbox....

Anonymous said...

Stop N Swop, dude.