The Nintendo Wii had an exceptional launch line-up. However, if you have saved Hyrule and ran out of carrot juice to shoot at Rabbids, you might be looking for some new titles to play. Here are 10 titles that everyone should be anticipating in 2007.
10. Project H.A.M.M.E.R. - Not too much is known about this game from Nintendo. We do know that you will use the Wiimote to smash things in a completely destructible environment. Any game that involves destruction and Nintendo polish at least deserves a look.
9. Sonic and the Secret Rings - The trailers have looked pretty good. This game would easily be number 2 or 3 on any list 5 years ago. SEGA could really add some value back into a dying Sonic franchise with a good showing in this game.
8. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers - SquareEnix revived a relationship with Nintendo after the release of the first Crystal Chronicles game back on the GameCube. The original game featured a solid combat system and a great multi-player mode that was hampered by the requirement of four GameBoy Advance systems. This game definitely carries a lot of potential, especially if SquareEnix creates a multi-player mode that doesn't require $300 worth of additional hardware.
7. Wii Play - This game could turn into Wii Sports x 2. Imagine the same great game play of Wii Sports along with more games and depth. This might be the multi-player game of the year.
6. SSX Blur - EA Big is bringing an exclusive SSX game to the Wii this spring. This game's biggest feature might be the unique controls. The nunchuck controls the racer on the ground and the Wiimote controls the racer in air. If only Nintendo could create another attachment to control my excitement for this game.
5. Animal Crossing Wii - We know that it is in development, but we don't know anything about it. The game is heavily rumored to redefine the series by using Miis instead of the trademark animals. Expect online multi-player when this game is released most likely by the end of the year.
4. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption - This game might deliver the first great FPS experience on the Wii even though it technically is not a FPS. Many people worry that Nintendo will ruin the franchise with the new control system. Those people also worried about the franchise moving to 3D.
3. WarioWare: Smooth Moves - If you need a game that will show off the "fun-factor" of your new Nintendo Wii, this is your game. It almost seems like Nintendo had this game in mind when they designed the system. Tons of crazy mini-games use the unique controller better than any other game on the system so far.
2. Super Mario Galaxy - Will people finally look at this game as a true successor to Super Mario 64? I doubt it. The game will still be one of the best selling titles on the system this upcoming year. Mario and the Wiimote are a perfect match. This game might just redefine Mario as we know him.
1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - It has been about 5 years since Super Smash Bros. Melee was released on the GameCube. Nearly every GameCube owner I know still plays that game semi-regularly. Every couple of years, a game comes along that defines a generation and Brawl could be that game. The game is already looking like it will contain more characters and arenas than ever before. If Nintendo can get some on-line play in the game, we might see the best console fighter of all time.
Enough with the 10 games I think you should be hyped about in the upcoming year, I want to hear your opinion. Feel free to e-mail me at TeenageFanboy@gmail.com or leave a comment either in the comment section or on the message boards. I love your feedback!
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Great list. When I get a Wii, hopefully soon, this will be my go to list.
The Godfather: Blackhand Edition sounds pretty cool to me. The last news I read said it's coming around March of this year maybe.
I cant wait!
Wii kicks butt
i dig all the Mario games coming out.
Your list makes perfect sense to me, however, Super Paper Mario I have a lot of hope on. Paper Mario 2 was a very strong title and Super Paper Mario seems to change everything. I don't know how much to ride on this game, but I would have liked to see it in the list anyway.
I'm from the UK and we already have Wii Play, and TBH it really isn't very good at all, the only real reason to buy it is for the Wiimote.
What about Battalion Wars 2? or Pokemon Battle Revolution? Disaster Day of Crisis? there are tonnes, i don't think 10 is a big enough number, Nintendo will OWN '07!
disaster: day of crisis
Seriously, stop hyping Wii Play. It's a demo for the wiimote, it's not game of the year...
Stop advising Wii Play to everyone. I have it for a month, and I never play it.
Hmmm..Great list.I neverplayed any Animal Crossing game yet...so I'm looking forward to see what it'd be like on the Wii.
I think Busta Move and Mario Party are the two games not listed that I'm looking forward to, as well.
While I think this list's a great place to start, there are some great lesser known third party ones that shouldn't be forgotten. Examples include:
Cooking Mama: Cook Off
Dragon Quest Swords
No More Heroes
A couple Nintendo games that I'm also looking forward to include:
Mario Party 8
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Fire Emblem
Do some Google/YouTube searches of some of the above titles if you're unfamiliar with em.
I agree with Pat... This list should definitely have Sadness on it (I find that a lot more intriguing than Project H.A.M.M.E.R., which is also decently intriguing...) Disaster Day of Crisis should also be on here. SSX Blur and Wii Play should not be on here (I, like most Wii owners, will pick up Wii Play but mostly because you get the game for $10 along with a Wii remote...)
Anyway, without Sadness on this list, it isn't much of a list... Look it up and you'll understand why...
Kinda funny that you say wii play could be multiplayer game of the year when Super Smash Bros Brawl comes out in the same year.
wii play looks really boring and pretty much incomparabale with wii sports. not even with the "dollar-per-game" it's being touted as...IMHO.
Great list! I'm especially looking forward to 1, 2, 3, and 7. :D
your a fucking faggot
Wii Play is a waste of money and should not be on this list. Nowhere near Wii Sports by any means.
Super Paper Mario
Mario Party 8
Wii Music
SSX Blur
Bleach Wii
Mario Kart Wii (probably 2008)
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Donkey Kong Wii (2008)
"The Legend of Zelda Wii" (release date unknown, 2009?)
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
among many others, dang I love Wii
Ooh I forgot about the rumor Star Wars game, when I first heard about the Wii the first thing that popped into my head was the idea of becoming a Jedi. Fingers crossed!
Hey! This is a great list and a lot like the list I made on Tenspotting.
That's here if you want to take a look at it:
the key to the Wii is getting online play early in '07
Great list.Its the second time I see this blog on front page of digg.
health is money
Here are the game that I plan on buying, I agree with most of your list but every gamer has their own tastes:
Battalion Wars 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3
SSX Blur - If this is similar to TRICKY then it definitely deserves to be on the list
5. Animal Crossing Wii - We know that it is in development, but we don't know anything about it.
How can you really rank a game if you know nothing about it?
because the title of the post is "10 game to keep an eye on in 2007"
Tiger Woods 07. Like wii golf, but cooler.
I'm looking forward to the new Mario Party more than the new Wario Ware. It's coming out in the spring.
GUITAR HERO!! 'nuf said
Wii Play? Are you kidding?
I only have this game because it came with the wii-remote (seperate wii-remotes sold out).
Its a bunch of minigames that you don't play anymore after 1 day.
I've gotta agree with what some of the people are saying about Wii Play. It's worth getting for the remote, but it's no where near as good as Wii Sports. Don't get excited about it...you'll be disappointed!
yeah wii play shouldn't be on that list.
its fun and all, some of the games are great. but its only 2 player, so multi is low. And there isn't any depth. Its basically a disk with 8 tech demo's on it.
Warioware might have been great on other systems... but it is not the best on the Wii. Wii Sports utilizes the Wii remote much better, even Monkey Ball is better than this game on the Wii. I returned it after a couple of hours.
Wii Play? C'mon man.. everyone but the US has been playing it for at least a month now... its old news - and it's basically a tech-demo!
Yet another waste of reading time...
1.Smash Bros. Brawl
2.Super Mario Galaxy
3.Metroid Prime 3
5.Wii Play
6.SSX Blur
7.Mario Party 8
8.Final Fantasy
9.Battalion Wars 2
10.Animal Crossing Wii
You can get the reasoning at my site, if that's your bag.
Wii play is in no way wii sports with more depth, its a small collection of crap tech demos. You should have included the godfather, sadness, disaster and pokemon. But the games chosen apart from play are all looking to be good as well
I reckon other than Mario Metroid And
Super Smash Bros. I'm just really looking forward to Fire Emblem and Mario Party 8.
metroid has already been in 3d, on the gamecube.
secondly, i own wii play, its been out over here in europe for a while. its alright, nothing special.
cant wait for the new metroid game! will be a great follow up to prime/echoes
Oh my... Wii Play in a topten list. And then missing Sadness and Midnight in return.
Good list, however, Battalion wars 2 should probably be on it. It looks like it's going to be great and it's going to be one of the first Wi-Fi games, so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Brawl was a good choice for first, can't wait until it comes out.
This list is brilliant. I am definitely going to use this list when I am completing my Wii shopping.
Thanks for article!
Thanks for interesting article.
Glad to read articles like this. Thanks to author!
Great Article! Thank You!
Thanks to author! I like articles like this, very interesting.
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