I have a friend who kind of pushed me to write this post. He is a big fan of internet fads and tenancies of internet users. We were discussing our loves for the internet and everything that goes along with it. After several minutes of conversation, we decided that several fundamental rules applied to the internet. These are ten commandments which should be comment knowledge to all users.
I hope you all find this entertaining.
10. If you don't know, Wikipedia that shit. - Need to find out who was CEO of Ford Motor Company from 1985-1990? How about the history of Sega? If you don't know, Wikipedia has the answer.
9. NSFW really means, NSFW. - If you see a little (NSFW) by a link on any web page, don't click unless you are willing to deal with the worst possible image of all-time. This can apply in many situations. Goatse, Tubgirl, and anything involving an infection are usually great links to stay away from. Don't believe me? Try a Google Image search.
8. You are never the 1,000,000th visitor to a web page, you will not win a prize. - I don't know why people ever believe that these are true. However, if you ever receive an pop-up stating that you are some milestone visitor to the page, forget it. You didn't win shit.
7. Why the fuck are you not using Firefox? - I apologize for the harsh language. However, if you are using IE, what the hell is wrong with you? Save your computer and use Firefox as a web browser. You will thank me, I promise.
6. Since you downloaded Firefox, try other open source software too! - Firefox works great, doesn't it? You know what the best part about it is? It didn't cost a penny. Great things in life can be free! Why not download OpenOffice? It is nearly identical to Mircosoft Office and it also doesn't cost a penny. Use Skype to talk to friends, get rid of spyware with AdAware, or try out Thunderbird for e-mails instead of Outlook. Tons of great things are available online for free!
5. Become bi-lingual. - In the business world, knowing two languages is becoming more important each day. In the internet world, the same problem has occurred. However, it isn't necessary to learn Spanish or Chinese. The internet language is l337 son. And if you don't know it, you're gonna get pwn3D!
4. Use RSS feeds for news. - Nearly every news site on the internet today has an RSS feed. Check out the RSS feed for your favorite site so that you don't have to load the web page every time you want information. Don't know what an RSS feed is or how to use one? Wikipedia that shit.
3. Learn to use Google and learn it well. - Many people might claim that they know how to use Google, or any search engine for that matter. The truth is, most people have no idea about how to use Google effectively. You need to learn Boolean search techniques as well as which worlds help get you the best results in order to get the results you need.
2. Bookmarking works wonders. - Do you ever find a site that peeks your interest just a little? Bookmark it! You never know when that site will become useful once again. Firefox has bookmark folders which work great for keeping large amounts of sites on file. You could also try out a social bookmarking site like Digg or del.icio.us
1. Don't pirate with Limewire! Use BitTorrent, it's faster! - If you need to download anything off the internet, be it a video podcast, legitimate programs, or legal music; use BitTorrent over Limewire or direct downloads. It is a faster service. It also doesn't use precious bandwidth that a direct download takes from a web host.
I hope you guys enjoyed the list. If you have additions, feel free to e-mail them to TeenageFanboy@gmail.com or leave a comment.
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Labels: Fundamental laws, Internet, Top 10
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