EDIT: I forgot to update last night, but Cameron pulled off the victory in three matches. It was a great 6+ hours of Brawling and thanks to all those who tuned in for part if not all of the broadcast. We appreciated it!
Welcome everyone to the event of a lifetime. Tonight is a night when Dillon, my friends Jason and Hudak, and myself will be playing an epic set of Smash Bros. matches to decide who will be the best man at our friend Tom's wedding.
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As a little bit of back story, about a month ago my friend Tom found out that he will soon be a father to a child. With this, Tom has also decided to look into also become a husband. While we were all very happy for him, a small debate broke out when we decided to determine who would be his best man. While we could bare knuckle box or play rock-paper-scissors, we decided that ultimately the best way to determine this would be through a game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
Here is what we are currently looking at for the match.
- 4 Man Melee featuring myself, Dillon, Jason, and Hudak (Sac may sub for a while since Hudak is at a picnic, no joke)
- 99 man stock matches
- Best two out of three wins "Best Man" for the wedding
- Items are on regular
- First match will take place on Corneria, we will then have a poll to determine other levels
Yeah this whole idea is ridiculous, but it's life. Enjoy the night and some Four48 madness.
"This is goodbye...or is it goodnight?"
Well, it's been a two-month or so hiatus for Four48. We haven't called like we said we would. We didn't send post-cards either. We apologize.
But, life happens, literally and figuratively. Pretty much everyone on the team has been busy with school and other life happenings over this period. I got a new job, Dillon's chin has become larger, Adam has fought numerous Rick Rolls, Tina worked on hiding her face more, and Matt was forced to sit and watch 2Girls1Cup about 27 times an hour. One of our teammates has seen even a more dramatic change.
I am sure most of you remember Tom. He's the lovable kung-fu kid with long-hair. Well, about a month ago, Tom found out he is going to be a father. Yep, Tom is going to have a kid. I know, crazy huh?
Anyways, with this child will also come a marriage. Yep, Tom is also looking to possibly get married. Sorry if this seems like a bunch to grasp, but a lot has happened since we were on air last.
So, in accordance with our jackass tendencies, we have decided to help make Tom's life a little easier by choosing the best man for his wedding ourselves so he doesn't have to. We're great guys, right?
So if we are going to choose the best man for his wedding, only one method would be acceptable. No, it won't be rock-paper-scissors. No, it won't be an epic game of four-square. In accordance with our gamer lifestyles, the only permissible way for this to happen would be with a game of Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
That's right, at 6:00pm CST, we'll begin a 99 stock match 4 of Tom's closest friends to determine who will be the best man at his wedding. Is this the most traditional way to select a guy to be you're best man? Definitely not. Is it going to be fun? Hell yes.
We'll have links to Justin.tv and more later. Invite your friends and be sure to bring some popcorn, it should be a blast. We promise laughter, insanity, and rick-rolls. We're trying to get online play working for some fun after our match, but no promises since we haven't been successful in the past. As always, we will be taking donations. However, tonight our proceeds will be going directly to Tom to help to buy diapers and baby supplies. It only seemed fitting.
See you all later,